1 in 4 people struggle with mental health issues

UK Head Coach, Steph Cowton, spoke passionately about how exercise can help with our mental wellbeing as we approach World Mental Health Day on Monday 10th October.
"We all know the importance of staying mobile and working out for our physical health; it’s a given that staying as fit as we can, will help us to move easier, feel more energetic, help our strength and mobility and help fight disease. Regular exercise has just as much of an impact on our mental wellbeing!
Regular exercise is my personal favourite way to alleviate stress. It’s such an incredible tool for helping improve mood, it can help reduce stress levels and improve self-esteem. When training in an environment like TRIB3 you have that added social level too, plus great music which is also another tool for helping alleviate stress.
How does working out help if you are feeling stressed or anxious? Sometimes it’s simply taking our mind off the situation that is stressing us out, a distraction if you like, just a short period of time where our focus is elsewhere, and we can switch off.
Workout out, running, swimming, walking, yoga doesn’t matter what your fix is, all of them can all help alleviate muscle tension.
Happy hormones are also released when we work out! When we workout or get our heart rate up it increases the availability of anti-anxiety neurochemicals including serotonin. Music also does the same thing and so does laughing."
To help release all the happy hormones, we are offering all classes for FREE across the UK. Select your location and join us Monday 10th October 2022 to look after your mind and body at TRIB3.